
Не указана
  • Москва
  • Полная занятость
  • Полный день
  • Нет опыта
  • Пользователь ПК
  • Ведение переговоров
  • Организаторские навыки
  • Деловая переписка
  • Письменный перевод
  • Грамотная речь
  • Работа с большим объемом информации
  • MS Outlook
  • MS PowerPoint
  • MS Word
  • MS Excel
  • Английский язык
  • Analysis
  • English
  • Analytical skills
  • Английский — C1 — Продвинутый

Job responsibilities:

  • Cooperation support with FD in terms of Demo, Promo materials and Marketing materials (upon request from Sales Dept.);
  • Phone management. Do demo phone issue application; support the process of controlling demo phone;
  • Product support. Prepare product cards for customers.Support for changing the price list for a regular assortment;
  • Financial support. PO: receive the payment;
  • Logistic support.Track delivery progress;
  • System management. Update basic information,such as staff,dealers,distributors,product info.,daily inventory;
  • Data support.Make analysis daily/weekly/monthly report about product channel/color/sales data/region/FD sell in&out/stock; FD quarter account checking; the others report that colleagues demand;
  • Optimize work processes and reports in the work,feedback problems in work timely and find the ways to solve it or optimize together.


  • Treat work seriously and responsibly;
  • Can communicate well with colleagues;
  • Have a sense of teamwork and overall view;
  • Obey the management of the company and department. Strong resistance to pressure,dare to challenge difficulties.


  • Work in a fast growing international company
  • Career growth opportunity
  • working hours from 9-00 am 6-00 pm.